Come back to reality

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2009

Linz & Mauthausen

Linz, the European Capital of Culture 2009

Linz is the third-largest city of Austria and capital of the state of Upper Austria. It is located in t henorth center of Austria.
The main street "Landestrasse" leads form the "Blumauerplatz" to the main squere. In the middle of this square the high "Pestsäule" of Plague Column, was built to remenber the people who died in the plague epidemics.
Near the castle, the oldest Austrian church is located: Saint Martins church, it was built during early medieval Carolingian times.

The new cathedral of Linz, known as the cathedral of the Immaculate Conception was begun in 1855 and in 1924 was finished. With 20.000 seats, this cathedral is the largests, but not the highest, churchi in Austria. It is not the highest because in the Austro-Hungarian times, no building was allowed to be taller thant the South Tower of the St.Stephen´s Cathedral in Vienna


Here are some of the photos I took in the Concentration Camp of Mauthausen. It was not really a funny visit for me and maybe I would prefer not going there, but well I went and I saw things I couldn´t imagine before.

Mauthausen-Gusen Nazi concentration camp where located near the villages of Mauthausen and Gusen in Upper Austria, roughly 20 kilometres (12 mi) east of the city of Linz.By the summer of 1940, the Mauthausen-Gusen had become one of the largest labour camp complexes in German-controlled Europe. Apart from the four main sub-camps at Mauthausen and nearby Gusen, more than 50 sub-camps, located throughout Austria and southern Germany, used the inmates as slave labour.In January 1945, the camps, directed from the central office in Mauthausen, contained roughly 85,000 inmates. The death toll remains unknown, although most sources place it between 122,766 and 320,000 for the entire complex.

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