Come back to reality

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

A walk in the city

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

29th September

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Party in the Ride Club

Hi, this night I´ve been in the ride club, it´s a club where all the erasmus go to dance. The music is not my favourite, but I went there with some friends, and it was really full of erasmus students from Spain.

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

The Kunsthistorisches Museum

Today Sunday, everybody was sleeping or having a rest due to the party yesterday in the Ottakringer Braueri. I went to the party also, but I´ve came back home very early, I was pretty tired because of the day trip so I decided to go home and sleep.
Today I wake up early, well at 9:30, and do all the housework, and then after having lunch I went to the Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Art Museum of Viena.

The Kunsthistorisches Museum was originally planned and very outset conceived as a museum unlite the Hermitage or the Louvre that were designed and used as palaces. It´s not only the architecture of the building and the decorations of its interior every one of the collections that are display in it are outstanding, like the Egyptian and near easter collection, Greek and Roman Antiquies, Kunstkammer ( collection of Sculpture and Decorative Arts) were some of the Habsburg treasuries are displayed, the Picture Gallery divided into German, Dutch, and Flemisch and Italian, Spanish and French Art, and the Coin Cabinet.

Detail in the wall of the Kunsthistorisches Museum

Natural History Museum, it´s placed in front of the Kunsthistorisches Museum and the building is exactly the same at leats in the external view.

Kunsthistorisches Museum

Detail of a streetlight in the entrance of the Museum

Views from the Vestibule into the domed Cupola Hall

Staircase with Canova´s "Theseus" group and Munkácsy´s ceilling painting

Detail of the staircase

Detail of the celling

Another detail of the staircase

Detail of the columns

Detail of the celling in the corridor

Detail of the Cupola

This is what you can see through the windows of the Museum

Detail of the Bassano Room

Entrance to the Egyptian Collection

Roman Collection

I think that it´s a good place to spend the day, or just a half day. I´ve been there around 2 hours and I think I saw the most importantan Masterpieces of the Museum, but I´m sure that I´ll come back with my father when he comes to visit me.

sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

A day in Seegrotte & Neusiedlersee

This was the last trip with the SoS Programme, by the way I feel relax about not to have to eat fast or not eat because the meeting hour was very earlier, but in the other hand I feel sad because maybe I´m not goingo to see all those people I meet in this two weeks, but well I suppose we´ll plan something for the weekends.

This is what I have for my lunch today, it was Catfish, is really tasty, and easy to eat because it´s got few bones so it´s very easy, jjajaj.