Come back to reality

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Ottakringer Braueri

Today we´ve been in a guide tour in the oldest Brauerie in Vienna it was opened in 1837. The tour was in german so there were some technical aspects that I can´t understand properly but more or less we manage to know what he was talking about. After the visit we were allow to taste 4 diferents kinds of Ottakringer beer, but there were at least 12 sorts of beer to taste, just impossible to taste every. But well I took a Rot Zwickl, and it was really good just with a sweet flavour and then a drank an Innstadt Original hell, ein weissbier, it was also good.

And this Saturday evening there is a party in the braueri, inside for the students of the TUWien, so after the day trip surely we will go together to the party.

And after the beers, we went to eat a Kebab in a Turkish Restaurant. They made they own bread and they give bring for each one a big piece of it without increasing your bill

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