Come back to reality

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009

A really good Kebab

This is how I look before eating a really big and tasty Kebab, and it only costs me 3€ and the beer it wasn´t that bad, but not as good as Hoffbrau, you know what I mean my dear!!!
I have to do some checking on the internet about the lectures here and I´ve been a bit confused because I don´t know what to do!!!. Well I have to correct some mistakes that I continue doing in my spoken english so I have to be really concentrate about what I want to say and it makes me to be very tired. I missed to speak Spanish, because here also with the Spanish people I´m talking in English..., and sometime I can remenber words in Spanish, it´s a realle mess.

Ohh well today at the german course I´ve learnt how to say Ohh my God, it is said Ohh Gott, you see?? It´s very similar but take care with the pronuntiation please!! Jajajja. Well I´m just going to the bed and tomorrow more.

This night was the Karaoke party for Erasmus, but I didn´t go because I don´t want that it will begin to rain because I haven´t bought an umbrella. So good night and tomorrow I´ll tell you how was the party!! The Spanish people go everywhere, you know.

1 comentarios:

Juan Manuel dijo...

Mmmm. Morbid kebab.

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